How to Clean a Split System Air Conditioner Filter

The first step in cleaning your split system air conditioner filter is to locate the filter. It is usually a rectangular piece that attaches to the unit through tabs. You can check the manual to find these tabs. Gently remove the filter from the unit and rinse it thoroughly. Let it dry on a shaded area. Then, reinstall it into the frame. To ensure that your filter is working efficiently, replace it with a new one every few months.

how to clean a split system air conditioner filter

Mini-split air conditioner filters must be cleaned regularly. These filters need to be cleaned every two weeks. Not cleaning the filter can cause a restriction in the air flow, which can result in the mini-split system working harder to heat or cool the room. Not cleaning the filter can lead to higher energy bills, a decrease in the quality of the air, and reduced equipment life. The Daikin Australia YouTube channel also has instructions for cleaning a split system air conditioning filter.

How To Clean My Split System Air Conditioner

Once the filter is removed, you can use a broom to brush it outside. It will also help if you use a vacuum cleaner to remove any lingering dirt and grime. A mild detergent or water solution can be used to clean the filters. Be sure to rinse thoroughly. Once you are done cleaning the filter, you can place it back into the unit. To prevent bacteria from developing, you can apply an antibacterial spray on it to prevent future infections.

After you have vacuumed the filter, you can use a damp cloth to wipe down the indoor unit. It will remove any dust and debris that has collected there. If you have pets, you may need to repeat the process. But be careful not to push the nozzle too hard as this can tear the filter. If you are not careful, you may tear the filter. But you’ll get rid of all the particles in no time.

If you’re cleaning a split system air conditioner, you should make sure that the filters are clean. If you are using a mini-split, you need to open the return air grill and clean the unit by lifting the filter panel. You can also wipe the filter panels with a brush attachment. It is also important to remember which way the filter was placed, as it can be different from one part of the air conditioning unit to the next.

To clean the filter of a split system air conditioner, you should remove the fan blades and the filter. You can also vacuum the coils. If you don’t have the time to do the entire cleaning, you can buy a filter bag. However, you must remember that it is important to clean the coils regularly. After you’ve cleaned the filter, you should also make sure the fan blades and the coils are not clogged with debris.

If you’re cleaning a mini-split air conditioner, you should first turn the mini-split off and unplug the unit from the electrical source. Moreover, you should disconnect the power cord of the mini-split air conditioner before cleaning the filter. If you don’t want to disconnect the power supply, you should switch off the unit. To avoid any electrical shocks, you should disconnect the filter and ensure that the mini-split is powered down.

You can do this by removing the filter and reinstalling it in the unit. If you are cleaning the filter manually, you must ensure that you have removed it carefully. Then, you can easily reinstall it. Be sure that the arrows on the frame point toward the unit rather than away from the user. You’ll have to uninstall it again after you’ve finished with cleaning it.

You can also use a spray-on cleaner to clean the filter. Its nozzle allows you to reach all the crevices of the filter. Alternatively, you can use a toothbrush to scrub the dirt off of the unit. You’ll need to be gentle in your cleaning as it may cause damage to the electronic parts of your system. You should avoid scrubbing the unit too vigorously since this can harm its internal components.

How To Clean A Split System Air Conditioner Filter FAQs

Can you clean AC filter yourself?

Wash the Filter For a deeper cleaning, fill a sink with one part water and one part white vinegar, and then allow your HVAC filter to soak in the solution for one hour. Rinse it off with fresh water and let it fully dry before returning it to your AC unit.

How often should you clean split system filters?

As a general rule, you should clean your air conditioner filters within the indoor unit every two weeks. In more dusty or polluted environments you should clean your filters more regularly. Cleaning your filters is the most important maintenance task you can do to care for your air conditioner.

Can I clean my air conditioner myself?

By taking a hose with moderate water pressure, and spraying the unit from the inside out, you can effectively remove grime and buildup from the fins of your unit. It’s important to note, if you’re not comfortable performing this step, don’t hesitate to enlist the help of an HVAC professional.

How often should a split type aircon be cleaned?

Split / Multi-Split Type Air Conditioners Cleaning the filter once every two weeks is recommended. Clean filter of dust by washing with water or using a vacuum cleaner. When extremely soiled, wash in lukewarm water with detergent and dry in a shady place away from direct sunlight.

Do split systems need cleaning?

Why Cleaning Your Split Air Conditioner Is Important Cleaning your air conditioning has three major benefits. … The filters inside your air conditioners are designed to catch dust and microbes. If these filters are not cleaned regularly, they can fill up with moisture and even attract mould.